IP Match Analysis
Our IP Match tool allows us the ability to provide a tangible and accurate ROI by cross-referencing the target list with sales records. This is done without the use of UTM codes, conversion pixels, re-targeting, or call tracking.
When a campaign period is completed, we analyze the IP addresses with your website and landing page activity to determine which IP addresses were targeted by the advertising, and the affect on your ultimate outcomes. We then are able to calculate the “percentage lift” in the campaign that the advertising provided.
We can also follow the customized pixels on your digital ads, generate reports on the re-marketing and conversion pixels you wish to place on your landing pages and websites.
What happened once the customer clicked on the ad? How many times did they go to your landing page? Did they download your special report, or make a purchase on your website? We customize those metrics to our client’s specific metric points.
Since the residence or venue has a IP associated with its address, it creates multiple opportunities to reach your target audience.